
The quality management system is a revolutionary approach to ERP

software and digital transformation.

A Quality Management System
Giving Rise To Digital Transformation

Enterprises across the globe extensively use to lay a sturdy foundation for their IT infrastructure and prepare the enterprise for growth. Globalisation and M&A activities have thrown up new challenges of harmonising business processes while catering to region-specific imperatives. In addition, technologies such as mobile, social, Cloud, and analytics have significantly changed the IT landscape. To ensure that delivers measurable business results in this complex environment, it requires a quality management system with a clinical approach. This ensures the consistent delivery of measurable business outcomes.
Advisoy Offerings

  • Organisational Design
  • Job Architecture
  • Business Process Services
  • Digital Content’s quality management system

is a new generation of a digital alternative for traditional quality management systems that allows companies to become digitally connected and digitally competitive.

Get in touch

Main Offering

One of the most powerful ERP systems for the Manufacturing Industry with integrated functions for Finances, Accountancy, Sales, Inventory Control, Purchasing, Logistics, and Manufacturing. Factory Track Factory Track is just the right software that allows manufacturing organizations to effortlessly manage the human and the material aspect of operations by getting them to work together to achieve strategic goals.

P d/EPM d/EPM, a cloud-based, easily integrated, secure, enterprise planning, budgeting, and forecasting tool fulfils the need of today’s growing organizations. SCE Warehouse Management

A state-of-the-art system that combines warehouse, transportation, billing & labour management solutions all in a single unified product.

P Enterprise Asset Management

This innovative product is specially designed for streamlining the entire asset management cycle right from purchase to disposal. Operating Service (OS) OS solution for digital transformation, a state-of-the-art system that helps in synthesizing many different components into a single integrated platform.


BIRST (Business Intelligence)

Birst allows for data consolidation and aggregation from centralized and decentralized sources; with some organizations using as many as nine different data sources to generate their business dashboards Expense Management (XM) Expense Management (XM), inputs can be captured while in the field, making control and compliance an easy to achieve objective.

P HCM Human Resources is a powerful set of cloud-based human capital management (HCM) software solutions that empower your people to deliver streamlined processes with remarkable experiences. This solution replaces complex processes, workflows, and systems with sophisticated, yet intuitive technology.

One Point Implementation

01. Phase One: INITIATE

  • Project guidelines
  • Project Scoop
  • Risk Analysis
  • Organizational structure

02 Phase Two: DESIGN

  • Understand processes
  • Process mapping
  • Best practices
  • Reconciliation

03. Phase Tree: BUILD

  • Prototype building
  • Acceptance testing
  • Data conversion
  • End-user training

04 Phase Four: DEPLOY

  • Site preparation
  • Customizations
  • Upload data
  • Go-live

05 Phase Five: CLOSURE

  • Go-live support
  • Optimization
  • Exploit


How Do you Work
With us

01. Fixed Price
The customer pays a pre-negotiated fixed price for the complete project, which in turn is linked to clearly defined deliverables

02 Hybrid
A large portion of the project is on a Fixed Price basis and at the same time, select resources are deployed on a Time and Material basis. Adopting such a model enables the client to maximize their ROI without compromising the quality of the deliverables.

03. Managed Services
Provide ongoing ticket-based Offshore Application Support with pre-defined SLAs. The objective of this model is to increase operational efficiency and reduce cost.

04 Time and Material
Define the business model & work hand in hand with the client. The client pays a pre-defined hourly rate.


On Site/ Offshore
Delivery Model