Promote trust and confidence in your organisation’s job assignments,
performance, and processes with effective job architecture.


We offer a new way of working

Job architecture, sometimes called job structure or job catalogue refers to the infrastructure or hierarchy of jobs within an organisation. Effective job architecture provides a clear and concise way of determining the value of jobs in an organisation – based on talent drivers, business needs, and market practices.
Job architecture provides a consistent methodology and decision support for assigning job levels and titles based on defined criteria that remove the guesswork. This promotes trust and confidence in the organisation’s job assignments, performance process, and reward practices.
We help you to unpack and articulate the roles you need for your organisation. We assist in executing your business strategy, the essential requirements and deliverables of the job, education, and experience. Lastly, we link competencies and skills so that you can not only effectively and fairly manage performance and remuneration, but recruit the right people to fill those roles.
This area becomes critical if you are ready for an HRIS. Every system requires job architecture as the foundation for data housed within the system. Getting this right in advance sets your system implementation up for success.

Smart architecture for smart jobs.

Transformations are all about change. transformation model ensures successful transformation and digitisation across the board – leaving no one behind.

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